7 steps you should do to reduce the size of the natural distended stomach

Healthy tips - 7 steps you should do to reduce the size of the natural relaxed stomach - You have belly fat?. Oh No!. It will be very uncomfortable, of course. Will seem cold, it lacks confidence, so right?.
So that your stomach isn't bloated, by what is certain already the last one, which no doubt you need me this advice. Very well, go directly to measures to reduce the size of the stomach in a natural way, we have summarized and we will share via this blog tips for health.

7 steps you should do to reduce the size of the natural distended stomach
7 steps you should do to reduce the size of the natural distended stomach
Therefore, keep in mind the following tips: 7 steps you should do to reduce the size of the natural distended stomach

1. Change your eating habits

Are diluardari included in its program of diet, healthy food is also important!. What is that?, is the time they should eat, how often to eat. Eat in a part of the batch at any given time, may cause excess fat. Why is that?, in a part of the large amount at one time this could lead to the failure of the fat into energy, the consequences are still accumulating in the body.
So I suggest that you eat small meals more frequently, instead of eating big meals 2 times a day. 3 to 4 times small meals each day you can eat. This will accelerate the metabolism in the body. The body will burn more calories and store less fat. You have a menu of 3-4 times a day will make a complete and help out the food is no more nutritious. Reduce the intake of sugar and sweetened drinks. In the diet, you can cook vegetables, nuts, protein foods menganding, whole grains, nuts, fish, low fat milk and a small amount of healthy fats (such as olive oil). Drink plenty of water, at least 8-10 glasses a day. Water is essential for healthy cells and aid in digestion. The water works as a detoxifying agent and as an appetite suppressant.

2. Cook your own meals.

You have a distended stomach problems and cannot cook? Let's start now to learn how to cook. Those who want to reduce the size of the bloated stomach are attracted by the method of weight (shock diet) diet. It succeeded, but remember, shock diet is good for short-term results. On the other hand, the diets of shock can lead to a deficiency of essential nutrients and it can lead to various health problems. To reduce the size of the stomach it distends, is necessary to eliminate the fat that accumulates in the abdomen and follow a diet healthy and balanced. A healthy diet with a diet that is high in (foods rich in fiber such as whole wheat, oats, peas, fenugreek, soy flour) of protein and fiber, low in carbohydrates, low in fat and sodium.
A form of realization of a healthy diet that needs to cook your own food consumed. With the same kitchen, you know, and knows very well the composition. Start with the habit of cooking foods with less oil. Avoid excessive consumption of calories. Your diet should include foods that burn fat, for example, apples, citrus fruits, peppers, beans, cinnamon, cucumber, ginger, asparagus and tomatoes.

3 Exercise

How to change the size of the stomach distended with exercise. The place of exercise or in the gym is actually less effective in their efforts to get rid of the belly fat. If do you sometimes abdominal or abdominal exercises every day, I am sure that you will not be able to flatten your stomach relaxed. But if you want to strengthen the abdominal muscles, the gym is right for you.

Speaking of sports as the way to reduce belly fat, just to do a physical activity for about 45-50 minutes, moderate 4-6 times a week, it is effective enough to remove the fat from the abdomen. The more time take you CARDIO (like brisk walking light, ride a bike, road, running, etc.) and faster, aerobic exercise is going to lose fat in the abdomen. Try to take some time for swimming, as well as burn calories quickly too good to relieve stress. Please note that you should be consistent and should not miss the light exercise 4-6 times a week. Make only 5 minutes! You can also increase the duration and intensity of exercise gradually, to increase resistance. Perform 5-10 minute warm-up before exercising.

4. Vitamin C consumption.

Vitamin C helps to reduce stress levels and restore the stress (cortisol) hormone levels to normal. Cortisol reduction can help to prevent an increase in the storage of fat in the abdomen. You can eat foods rich in vitamin C every day, such as oranges, Kiwi fruit, etc. When vitamin C is also available in supplement form, but it is recommended to consume vitamin C through food / fruits. If you choose vitamin C in supplement form, preferably no more than 500 milligrams per day.

5. Drinking water helps to unravel fat

A study from the journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism shows that individuals, metabolic rate increased by 30 per cent after drinking about 17 ounces of water. Other studies have shown that the increase of the volume of liquid in the body can help break the fats in the body buried. Drinking water at least 8 glasses of water each day.

6. Change your habits

His office to work on car? assemble a motorcycle? If so, then, take 1-2 days to allow the car engine. Use public transport (buses, trains, even by bike or public transport) in order to accumulate fat down break in energy. Use the stairs at work instead of using elevators. The activities of the foot which can.? In addition there are to change the habit of overeating at night or when wakes up in the night. Try to enjoy the dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Lifestyle changes can help indirectly reduce and eliminate fat in the abdomen. Stop smoking and avoid drinking too much 0bat. Juanlee all the things that they cause hormonal imbalance and obesity. You can try yoga, meditation, enjoy music, casual street, sports, leisure, get enough sleep and avoid stress. Stress or excessive pressure can lead to a hormone imbalance and obesity. Therefore, ready to start a healthy life?

7. Get enough rest and sleep

How to reduce the size of the next bloated stomach is to make sufficient rest and sleep. Balance of its activities with one sufficient break to regain strength and your body after a long day of sports. Research shows that when not sleeping enough, the body of an increase of the hormone ghrelin, which I hormone that it increases appetite. Yourself time decreases the hormone leptin, so it is difficult to feel "complete" the size of the portions you consume normally. This change in Physiology makes him difficult to control hunger.

Previous so 7 steps that must be done to reduce the size of the stomach natural Buncit. We hope that these tips can make your self-confidence again, and make healthier.


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